"Thank heaven for little girls
thank heaven for them all,
no matter where no matter who
for without them, what would little boys do?"

Oh Maurice Chevalier - you've still got it!
"Thank heaven for little girls
thank heaven for them all,
no matter where no matter who
for without them, what would little boys do?"
Posted by
3:39 PM
Love the graphic!
Please tell your mom's students I say hello - I feel honored! :)
I am singing along!
Ah yes... we are little girls and we think our family should be very thankful for us! Secretly, we are thankful for them. And we are thankful, very very... to know all of you and your humans. (but let's also be thankful for little boys...) Happy Turkey Day to all the Aussies.
hehe lovely graphic! I do however think one should be more thankful for royal siamese cats than just run of the mill boys/girls.
That is too cute!! A very nice picture ,Pye :)
Thank heaven for girls,heehee
That's so cute! Now that song is going to be in the beans head all day long.
Ah, yes, my mom remembers that song! Now she'll be humming it all day. But I do think Maurice should have done a "Thank Heaven for Little Boys" version for we mancats!!
& the Artsy Catsy MALE staff members
Oh yeah, even mancats thank heaven fur little gerls, like my Misty!
Happy Thanksgiving Day!
I hope you have a good day! Nice to meet you.
Happy Fanksgiving yall :)
Sanjee, Boni Maroni, Mini, Gree and Pepi
I am paranoid! I left you a message earlier on and it's not there when I come back. Someone has eaten it and it's not even turkey!
That's a very nice Thanksgiving card that you made! Hope you had a great day!
Purrrrrs, China Cat
Oh dear, I am scared of your mum now since she is in a bad state. In fact, so scared that I have forgotten what I said in the first meassage (can't be anything important, I was just annoyed that it went missing). Mind if I hide under the bed with you until she is in a better mood?
Nah... our mum's a big pussycat!
She's watchin' Gilmore Girls, drinkin' cups of tea and makin' a new website just for fun.
It's for the Art teacher - have a decko: http://suesartclasses.blogspot.com
Happy Thanksgiving!
Girls are veeerrryyy important! Mustn't forget them!
Good, glad the car is back, your mom has regained her good humour and there is one more (BIG) kitty at your place. I can come out now????? Yes??? Can't see any mice in there but didn't you say you had multiple technicolor mice that need sorting? I am confused!
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