Oh my - we are lucky pussy cats! Zoolatry have found us another new house.
And pink is our favorite color!
Friday Flashback and Caturday Art.
11 hours ago
Oh my - we are lucky pussy cats! Zoolatry have found us another new house.
And pink is our favorite color!
Posted by
9:58 AM
Labels: house of the rising sun, we love zoolatry, zoolatry gave us another new house
I like that house. Can I come visit?
Love that - I'd like a house like that!
You are all perfect dolls, living in a pink perfect dolls' house
Oh how I wish I could live with you in your tiny doll house! My face would shine out at the world like yours.
Mommy is going to Hawaii and I was wondering if maybe you could make a nice graphic for me doing some kinds hula and grass skirt stuff them maybe she would see I could fit right in and take me along...it is just a thought...I really wish I could go and bring my Mickey as a guest...who knows what might happen on those white sand beaches:) Some important questions have been asked there before:) hee hee an old cat can dream don't you think?
Love Miss Peachy
We're like the painted ladies in the painted houses...
That is a great house.
That is my dream house!
We love yur new House. It's so nice and warm.
Look at that!!! 3 stories to run around in!! WOOT!!! See ya soon ;)
Purrs Mickey
Wow ~ Maggy and Zoey and their bean ~ they are all sooo talented - you guys all seem to have chosen your rooms already!
Purrs from the SnowForest family :)
This is a very pretty house!!!
Thank you so much for coming to our blogoversary party and celebrate with us! It wouldn't have been as much fun without you - and we hope you had a great time too and not too much of a hang-over, hahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha!!!!
Cool house!
I have done 2 fact sheets for the little ones. One on the Sphinx and one on the Pyramids.I'm working on the activitie. Do I make a worksheet too? I can't remember.
Beautiful house and beautiful photo. I know you both really like the color pink. Nice.
What a lovely place in which to have a sophisticated and romantic kitty tea, and then a nap on the roof!
licks & slobbers
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