Thursday, October 9, 2008

Wordless Wednesday: Trixie


Sweet Purrfections said...

Uh Oh! When you need a tow truck to get the kitty off of the bean, the 4-letter word may be appropriate.

Forever Foster said...

MOL! We were put on a diet (especially fat Fui). Mum thought we were doing well when we stopped whinging at our food bowls. 2 weeks later she heard a rustling in the cupboard where the foster's food is kept. We had broken in and ripped the bags open!

-Fui and Suey

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said... sez dat is what she feels like when Speedy lays on her!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

No DIET!!!

Anonymous said...

Aaaaack! What is it lately with Moms and diets? We're practically starving here!

Daisy said...

Uh oh, who's leggies are sticking out from under you?

Diet = Bad
More Treats = Good

Lux said...

I've never understood that concept myself. ;-)

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Uh, well yes, what for? I never understand that either. It's just floof, isn't it?

Motor Home Cats said...

We just think you still have your winter floof on. We don't think you need the D word. We agree with Daisy - Diet = bad; more treats=good.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Anonymous said...

Can I put your scrapbook place on my blog roll? I really like it and want to remember it more and the best place I thought was on my blog.

Mickey's Musings said...

I could never figure out this diet thing either!!! I think you look fine :)
Purrs Mickey

slinky said...

I tried putting it on but it kept on going to the main index of DSP. I can access some of it by clicking the title of the scrap pic but I want to see the lot. Do you know what is happening? I've left it the same from the time I put it on.

Karen Jo said...

I agree, Trixie, why diet?

Anonymous said...

Did you change my background? Because it looks great!

Bye see you at 9:15!
