Sunday, November 9, 2008

My mom got LOTD

She got Layout of the Day on The Digital Scrapbook Place, and it was for a gelato picture, not for one of me!
Oh dear - it was only about ice cream - that cold wet stuff I sneeze in when she's not looking.
Here is the picture:


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think you look far more delicious!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Ms S! Never mind Pye. You'll get up there some day soon.

I'm like half way through the hare thing. Found out it was Durer. It's got a funny dot thing on top of the u.

I'm going to get a poem of the poetry blog unless there is something pacific you want me to do. There are two posts of Ozymandias on there. I think one looks good and the other one looks strange. Is thatmeant to be?

Anonymous said...

Poor little Pye, not even a photo of you on your own blog?

Congratulations, Leslie! So... you are the Queen of Ice Cream? You make it, I eat it. Let's talk...


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

The ice cream looks delicious, and the spoon is very pretty, but don't worry Pye, you are prettier.
Concats to your mum for LOTD.

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Congratulations to the artisitc Leslie for winning the award. About time she gets the recognition she deserves. They must have overlooked some of the earlier designs with you in them.

SS is drooling. I am not much into ice cream. Milk is fine by me!

Anonymous said...

With the poem I think I might have seen another typo. One line looks as if it has two lines put together.

In the comment you said to write a little about a poet. Did you mean A.A Milne or were you talking about Dürer?

I've done Dürer and the poem.

Anonymous said...

Just went on Pye's blog and saw the post it note. There is a strange message. I don't think it was there before because the last time I looked, I saw a message from Took which was written a long time ago.

Forever Foster said...

Only icecream?! Pyewacket, you wash your mouth out:) Concatulations!

Anonymous said...

I found a thing on how to make a solar oven. What really got me was the fact that it said it could cook smores! The only thing that will be hard to get is a pizza box.

I have done the windmill thing and the solar thing is done too. Was very interested. Please check blog.

Lux said...

It's beautiful - congratulations!

Thank you so much for stopping by to wish me well last night - I appreciate it and I'm back home now!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Congrats on getting layout of the day. it's not of Pye, but it IS fury colorful.